Or actually not updating, only pasting some old stuff from spam-court.com. Some new stuff has been lying around more or less half-baked the last couple of months.
But some of this old stuff need updating too. Regarding some of the members, the info is there. For others, I cannot draw final conclusions.
If we could get a bit coordinated, we could have something going again. I think middle of or late September could be a nice time to start. Must have a talk with Ducks and Scribblers about that.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
This one was posted on September 16th, 2006 by TheScribblers
Chinese hoster.
AKA encrinite
ICQ: 190966690 (190-966-690 )
Known emailaddresses: syllphia@hotmail.com
Domains: webserverchina.com (possibly, but gone)
Labels: bulkerforum
This one was posted on December 17th, 2006 by veruccawatcher
AKA qualitypaintings (not using it anymore?).
Calling itself Devid Felix.
Skype: moneyminters
icq: 271749180
aim: moneyminters, dedicatedsols (old?)
yahoo: dedicatedsolutions4u (old?)
Emailaddresses, a nice mix of old and new:
moneyminters@gmail.com, bulletproofsolutions@hotmail.com, urfriend911@indiatimes.com, moneyminter@ureach.com,
Nice list of what it is offering:
- Hosting
- Direct Mailing
- Domains
- Botnet
- Yahoo Accounts
- GeoRedirects
- BlueBottle
- Custom PHP Works
- Web Designing
- Drop Shipping
Botnet, hmmm. And "dropshipping"? Illegal drugs into US?
And he shouts like hell over not be able to call out with Skype.
The error message he gets should tell him, it must be kind of slow:
Call Failed – Internal Error
Calling from a known fraudulent node
Labels: bulkerforum
This one was posted on September 16th, 2006 by TheScribblers
Presenting himself as replica spammer. Formerly selling proxies and "GI" emails. Probably still is. From Romania.
Nice AIM icon.
Possible name: Iulian Varzaru
aim: ucraineanu
skype: iulianv
icq: 246999133 ( 246 999 133 / 246-999-133 ) / 175420059 (175 420 059 / 175-420-059)
Yahoo: cergat, cergatus
AKA spamking
emailaddresses: ukraineanu@yahoo.com
Domains: shoppgateway.com (dead), evirtualshop.com (probably him, or his "sponser")
One posting on bulkerforum starts out like this:
hey there - this is fairlogic from BC - most might know me as ucraineanu - here to present you my watch sponser - been around for a whyle - doin very good -
Labels: bulkerforum
Swank - moderator
This one was posted on December 8th, 2006 by veruccawatcher
For the non-spammers, Swank is probably best known from Spam Kings (http://spamkings.oreilly.com/), "Richard Cunningham".
We think he actually is a minor player among the spammers.
He likes to give the impression of being a big player.
Most of his stuff has usually gone to pieces. Mainly a middle man.
ssoft.biz is apparently his now, earlier domains are down.
Seems he is running a forum for spammers there.
Most of his older domains are either dead or not renewed.
He likes to give the impression of being good at social engineering, investigating scammers and "antis". And of course he likes bragging about what a big guy he is, how long he has been in "the industry", what he has done earlier and so on.
Now that is a bit dangerous for him. We are coming very close, almost in his backyard by following all the trails he is giving. By following those, comparing various stories, doublechecking with other sources we are getting a picture of this guy.
He claims giving his attention more to his "legitimate" businesses now. Probably some VOIP, historically he has got a hang for opps involving that kind of stuff, e.g. Cognigen and other telecommunications/internet related. He is not doing too good though, not having too much money.
According to other sources he is running 6-7 PCs from home. Not all of them in good shape, he looses stuff regularly. A couple of them seems to be below the 1GHz mark too and he tries to upgrade them (messing it up of course, his uncle was apparently not a very good teacher, or Swank has difficulties learning).
To be continued/edited .....
Labels: bulkerforum
This one was posted on December 29th, 2006 by veruccawatcher
This creature is apparently a "she".
Asian (Chinese?) hoster.
Got her first post on bulkerforum.biz slightly edited.
Parts of the original posting from December 6th, some edits:
We are Glad to launch Our Hosting Solutions officially ,
We have Auto Changing IPs Hosting Solution which can take GOOD , GAURENTEED Care of the following problems -
2) Downtime due to tracking by SpamHaus
3) BlackListing of the DNS , IPS which again give problem in keeping the server up
4) Any Situation we give you the solution
What we can Host -
1)Adult (any , legal or illegeal) ( Gaurenteed UP time on Them)
2)Pharma ( Gaurenteed UP time on Them)
3)Replicas ( Gaurenteed UP time on Them)
4)Oems ( Gaurenteed UP time on Them)
5)Enlargment Pills ( Gaurenteed UP time on Them)
6)Phising Pages ( Gaurenteed UP time on Them)
We can also Host Bank Scams and Shits , but only for known and trusted members (no intention to hurt the rules of the board just telling about the services)
We can give you SOLID MACHINES which mean REAL BULLET PROOF
We can take care of Persons who get listed in a WEEK's Time , But then the prices are accordingly Smile
I know many of friends here may think we are overnigth players here but please let me make it clear we have hosted MANY BIGGIES here without Mentioning their names Smile
If you feel we are scammers / rippers / snitch please before posting commets or asking about ref TEST OUR SERVICES - FREE
We have Good BIGGES here who can vouch for our Services .
-Hell Host-
BP Servers - HK , Korea , China
Botnet Hosting Solutions
BP Domains
icq- 289-566-222
Now that led to some more posts.
"Crazy" and "mcproxy" were not too happy about some of the content.
"adultguy1" responded:
I can say we have been doing business with vinci for 6 months now and have been very pleased with the speed of her servers and the service she provides
She is also very HOTTT!!!!
We are wondering a bit what services he is using. Illegal adult maybe?
We just have to check him out later. Maybe we will try to find out who the "biggies" are. Testing her services for free would be a good start.
The "ethical" Swank, usually so concerned about the reputation of "the industry" because spammers so often get mixed together with the carders, phishers etc. was not to concerned this time. According to his first response which of course was a question about pics of the hot creature, not a comment at all about her services. A permafried brain, money or sex is difficult to combine with ethics for the spammers. Too much to handle.
Anyway, the hoster from Hell's post has been slightly edited to fit the impression of "ethicul" standards. But kick her from the forum? No way, she is still there. And they all know what she is offering. "Gaurenteed".
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Labels: bulkerforum
History and comments:
This one was posted on September 17th, 2006 by TheScribblers.
Later canadaguy99 offered bulletproof paymentsolutions and offshore stuff too.
His first posting on bulkerforum:
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:25 pm Post subject: Would you like to promote your own online college?
Turnkey online college for sale. Why mail for someone else when you can do it yourself. Price is $5000 complete - never bulked to.
Option II -- we provide the backend, you market it and take 65% of the net.
PM me for info.
Labels: bulkerforum
This one was posted on May 27th, 2007 by DucksInTwoRows
Not much here at this time, just the basics.
From Australia.
Also a member of the spammerforum at spamplanet.net.
"Iannewla" gave a few hits in searchenginges.
We ended up with a couple of postings in yahoogroups which gave us a couple of email-addresses and a corresponding icq #.
The road to the domain pkbsupport.com was short after that.
Which again lead to Ian Newlan in Australia.
And some other domains, investagenius.com and ustockplaya.com to mention a couple.
He is offering "Professional BP Credit Card Processing" on bulkerforum.
A forum packed with criminals.
You should have stayed with the pokerbots, Ian.
Labels: bulkerforum
Swank - permafried?
Id swear im permafried from bud as even when im not stoned i sometimes just bust up laughing or crack dumb @ss smiles over nothing.
— Swank back in 2002. - Still permafried?
Posted by
Labels: bulkerforum, quotes
This one was posted on January 22nd, 2007 by TheScribblers
Or did someone get it all wrong?
Crypto with a posting bearing all signs of a genius, including the following:
11. Copyright Notice and Permissions Policy
The purpose of this Web site is to unite both professionals of spam business, and beginners for sharing experience in bulkmailing area, for buying and selling different services, and for discussing different spam related topics.
Our Permissions Policy:
All material on this Web site is copyright © 2006-2007, BulkerForum (www.bulkerforum.biz). Nothing may be reproduced or copied in any form without the express written permission of BulkerForum.
In order to request permission for copying or redistribute any material from this web site, you should send an PM to BulkerForum administration (Admin, Dollar, Phantom or Crypto).
In another thread this genius had a couple of more words which didn't reach the final stage:
"Any company or individual working, in Anit-Spam or AntiVirus filed, is not authorized to use this site and any its content in any form, and should leave this site immediately."
We prefer to rewrite:
"We are criminals and our criminal activity is protected by copyright".
And proudly announce a new term in respect of this deep thinker: "Cryptoright".
The member mcproxy seems to be a guy with something between his ears, at least compared with Crypto:
"I believe they will compare this to a drug dealer forcing someone to sign a non-disclosure contract or whatever. Good luck though haha"
And Crypto responds:
But still laws are laws...
If they breake the law about the copyright thing.
That means:
1. we are not the only one who brake them, anti's are in the same list too
2. they so rightfully, and now BUM they are dirty, ha ha ha
3. We have the legal right to sue them [Wink] ( that's the nice part [Very Happy] )"
He apparently "brakes" what he calls "the law". And when someone writes about that, he will sue?
You know Crypto: Take your copyright and shove it up a certain place where the sun never shines.
How can you even possibly think that e.g. postings about installs, proxies, drug spam and so on will ever be protected by copyright?
We wonder if Swank now is banging his permafried head against every wall he can find.
According to his nice sig on the forum he can't stand "intellectual midgets". We don't think he quite makes the connection though. Heavy stuff being permafried.
Some years ago Swank wrote the following:
Everything is posted under the permission of the United States of America. If you would like additional information about fair use of copyrighted information please go to your local library or surf the web and look up the United States Code Title 17, Section 107 entitled "Fair Use". Within this section of the document you will read that "The fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phone records or by any other means specified by that section for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright."
We hesitate to lean on the words from the permafried brain of a spammer, but Crypto could perhaps learn a thing or two.
He obviously has a brain only a mother can love.
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Labels: bulkerforum
This one was posted on May 25th, 2007 by DucksInTwoRows
"r3v3nu" sounded familiar. Had seen that one somewhere else, but where?
As usual, it turned out to be on spamhaus.org. Or at least very similar: "r3v3nu3".
Just has to be George Ryan in ROKSO. Take a look there:
Look out for George Ryan.
We again steal a couple of sentences from Spamhaus:
George Ryan is a small time, but quite prolific spammer, mostly into free giveaway scams, pharma and pirated software stuff. Likely just an affiliate of one of the Russian gangs trying to make a name for himself.
We again lean heavily on work already done by Spamhaus.
One little small addition could be that if you are looking for some more of his spam, we suspect this is him (one way or another):
Viagra and other pill spam from news.admin.net-abuse.sightings and other places
(sort it by date, looks better that way).
Proxies, pill spam. Did we hear legal, honest business?
What will it take to nail such guys?
A reincarnated John Wayne maybe.
Or maybe Marion could have a new fresh start with what he claims to have left +35 years ago and let his guns speak?
Look out for tomorrows few words about "neuman" "europe".
Happy quacking in the meantime.
Labels: bulkerforum